One Life to Live
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One Life to Live


作者: Leigh Rhett
页数: 184
定价: $ 27.06
ISBN: 9781418409142







One Life to Live is the intelligent person's guide to a better life. It is unique, because it appeals to the reader's common sense and good reason. No helping hands, no unusual practices, and no commitments to mystical powers are required. There is no organizational membership prerequisite to a good life. The author proposes that it is within the Self, alone, that the reader will find happiness. Recognition of the self as an independent entity, subject to self-direction, is essential. We have choices. Each action we take might have been a different action. With attentiveness and understanding, we can consciously opt for a better life. A good person enjoys a good life. This book is for young adults dealing with the stress, demands and contradictions of modern life: relationships, jobs and values. It examines the aspects of love, the gravity of attachments, and the paradox that selflessness is in one's own self interest. The author relies on his own experience and the wisdom of the past, when writers then were largely concerned with how one lives life well. With only one life to live, why not live it well?

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