What About Dad?
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What About Dad?


作者: Stan Denis
出版年: 2005-10
页数: 170
定价: $ 28.19
ISBN: 9781413794885







With such strong reservations about his own parenting experiences, Stan naturally doubted whether head have the goods to deliver to his new child. But instead of giving up and letting his wife Kimberly deal with the pregnancy on her own, Stan dove into fatherhood with a vengeance. He began researching everything possible, providing healthy solutions for his wifeas inevitable cravings, and even delving into the pros and cons of homeschooling for his childas future education. Stan quickly realized that while he was helping his wife cope with the newness of pregnancy, and deepening the connection between himself and his unborn daughter, he was also helping himself in some profound and unexpected ways. Stan knew that he had many different ideas regarding parenting, but when Stan and Kimberly began attending birthing classes and sharing notes with other new parents, Stan realized his experience was quite unique among the other fathers. Stan vowed to collect and record his experiences to share with new fathers in order to help them experience the joys, challenges and rewards of fatherhood. In that sense, What About Dad? is a promise kept.

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