Heart Call
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Heart Call


作者: Helen Ije
页数: 142
定价: $ 14.63
ISBN: 9781413794793







Julian: He had met and fallen in love with Faith, all to a disastrous end. Now, seven years later, Faith is back again in his life, but this time married to his boss, a man whose respect Julian is determined to keep. But can he really deny the attraction that flares up anytime they are around one another? Faith: She, on the other hand, had never stopped loving Julian, even though she had to leave him to marry a much older man who was tied to a wheelchair. Determined to keep her vows, how does she keep from Julian the fact that the little boy who calls him aunclea is actually his own son? Fred: Her husbandas druggy son from his late wife wants her in his bed at all cost, no matter whose bull is gored; his very own father inclusive. Charity: Her husbandas daughter by his late wife. Charity is a very smart and conniving woman who will do anything to get what she wants, including contracting a murder. A very dangerous enemy to make and she sees Faith as an interloper and a gold digger and would give anything to get her out of her fatheras life. Ted: Faithas husband. A man very much in love with his young wife who is ready to do anything to make her happy, including giving up his rights as her husband.

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