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作者: PoEtIcRiPpLeS
出版年: 2005-9
页数: 184
定价: $ 28.19
ISBN: 9781413789010







Poetry is my one passion in life, and writing verse has become the central theme governing my life. Since that first poem I happened upon back in the early spring of 1993, one of Emily Dickinsonas untitled works, Iave read and written poetry voraciously. I began composing line upon line on many varied topics, my thought processes transitioning from day to day; thus, the title of my book: PHASES: (A Chameleon Thinks). Within these pages is my emotional, mental and spiritual core; yeah, and at times the reader will definitely find him/herself flying away with me on a tangent, circling this way and that. Most, if not all, of my heartfelt convictions are contained herein; some written with pure opinionated passion, and others brushed on with more of an objectiveasofterastroke. I love that the range of my poetry is wide; from a strong stand on a political or social issue, I might turn a full 360 degrees into a state of nature, which in turn encompasses many suggestive colors, tastes, smells, feelings and melodies. What you, the reader, will see here in the pages of this little book of chameleon-like poetry is a compilation of my heart in poetic form. It is my strongest heartfelt desire that at least one person may find herein a few lines they may take away with them to a world of deeper and more meaningful thinking and living.

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