Impress a Peach
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Impress a Peach


作者: S·J·Tenspot
页数: 304
定价: $ 18.02
ISBN: 9781413785302







Impress a Peach is a psychologically intense, fast-paced murder mystery intertwined with country humor and some sexually explicit passages. The newly weds are trying to please each other when they are thrown into the defense of an innocent young man who has already been sitting in jail for over a year. Her husband who is a recently retired State Trooper has told his father and brother, prominent lawyers, that he will help them with this investigation. The lawyers take over the case, take their last continuance and time is running out. Sammy becomes involved, unexpectedly being shot at. Her husband comes out of retirement and now has a conflict of interest. A young boyas life balances on the scales of justice. Sammy discovers a sniper; spy, burglar, a murderer and his accomplice and the events seem to be meticulously orchestrated, yet she is in the dark. She is an artisan and feels ill equipped for the job of detective. She begins uninspired by meeting the young man on trial for his life in a run down county jail with filth in every corner. She looks into his eyes and knows from first hand experience the look of despair, desperation and the prayer of death. Now, she feels compelled to find the real murderer, which is always easier said, than done. Justice is enough of a struggle, when she discovers that she is pregnant at 48 and there is nothing funny about that She must now struggle between the life she carries and the life of an innocent. She is told to quit and go home but she says, aIave lived my entire life doing the right thing, regardless of the outcome I will continue to do so a Can she solve it in time, will more lives be lost or her own? A NEW CATEGORY: SEMI-FICTION. Thecharacters are FICTIONAL but every animal is alive and well. The facts about livestock are TRUE. The author has more than fifty years of experience with animals, circumnavigating the world twice, degrees in art, education and psychology. She uses these experiences to weave unique parables that are entertaining and instructional.

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