The Directive
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The Directive


作者: Frank Winchester D
出版年: 2005-9
页数: 384
定价: $ 33.84
ISBN: 9781413778021







This is a science-fiction novel about a young man who invents an engine that NASA would have given all their eye teeth to know about. He is dirt poor until his family passes away and he goes to Vietnam to find the gold that his dad told him about at the 1st Cals home base at AN Kay. He uses the gold to have a small submarine built up in Canada and uses that to go to Mars. There, at the Face that NASA doesn't want to talk about, he discovers an underground museum left there on purpose by people long ago to restart a civilization that died when Atlantis sunk beneath the waves. Not only does he find treasure in huge amounts, he finds space ships, and his true education starts. He finds that the world of Earth is in danger of dying and starts to change things because, without Earth, all the rest will die. Because he has new technology to give the people of Earth, he searches for a company that has the right stuff and finds Silver Enterprise. This company is owned by Vida Smith, who has a 5-year-old daughter dying of leukemia. She doesn't trust him and he has to find a way to introduce the medicine that will cure the child. Because she doesn't trust him, he recreates God's Ark and puts it on top of a mountain in Wyoming and tells her how to save her daughter. She does so because he also gave her daughter a working replica of his own ship that never runs out of fuel. In recreating the Ark, he brings God back to earth. God doesn't long contend with Evil and He takes a hand. The world changes then.

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