Barefoot in the Cotton Fields of Oklahoma
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Barefoot in the Cotton Fields of Oklahoma


作者: B·Esther
出版年: 2005-4
页数: 124
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9781413772050







Barefoot in the Cotton Fields of Oklahoma is a compilation of short stories of childhood memories told through the eyes of a unique woman. The main character, Esther, is a child in a family of twelve with numerous uncles, aunts, cousins, and family friends. Follow Esther through the stories, as she and her extended family deal with "going without" during the Depression in Oklahoma and on to California in her later teen years. As you read, you will see that some of the stories depict the children's innocence of knowing right from wrong, but still doing wrong because it is just a whole lot more fun. However, as you get further into some of the stories, they will tug at your heart, as you see Esther come against trying times and moments of indecision about her life. Some stories will make you cry and others result in laughter. However, all of the stories will make you think and appreciate your life and the people in it. What's the fun in walking barefoot in the cotton fields of Oklahoma if you are all alone?

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