Christ Is the Light and Hope in Darkness
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Christ Is the Light and Hope in Darkness


作者: R·L·Talley
页数: 130
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9781413769418







My prayer is that every person in need will read and know for the first time, or be reminded of, the love that CHRIST has for them through all of life's situations. The LORD had me write to the attention of those who are hurting. Those who are holding pain within. Those who are ashamed-too ashamed to confide in anyone. Those who feel they may be the only one in a particularly degrading situation. CHRIST suffered many things for us. His life was not without pain and suffering. He endured rejection, betrayal, physical pain, and mental suffering for us. There are many types of trials that can be experienced in life. The point is to never give up. Continue to call on, lean on, and trust in the LORD. I was reminded that CHRIST came to minister to those who were sick, not those who were well. So, it came into my spirit that hope, forgiveness, strength, courage, healing-as well as love and salvation-are found in the LORD. I am hopeful that you find pleasure in reading these poems.

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