The Murder Manuscript
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The Murder Manuscript


作者: Raymond G·Semlow
页数: 484
定价: $ 18.02
ISBN: 9781413760477







Albert Whitmoore is the family failure, the youngest child in a wealthy publishing family. Albert is handsome, well educated, wealthy due to a trust, and without self-confidence. He has many skills and resources available to him from his days as a reporter, among those available to the wealthy. He lacks motivation. Inspector Harry Fitzgerald is a skilled homicide detective without political connections within the department. He is married to the daughter of a wealthy New England industrialist, and is not highly regarded by his father-in-law, who continually interferes in the relations within Harryas family. Harryas wife is pregnant, expecting their third child, and is having a difficult pregnancy. This interference and the pregnancy have brought their marriage to the brink of disaster. The vulnerable Inspector Fitzgerald has suddenly become the object of interest of his sister-in-law, Brigitte. When Albertas sister announces her publishing company is expanding to include the more popular fiction market, Albert senses his chance to finally be published. He submits his latest novel under a pen name. Weeks later he receives a vile rejection letter. Albert suddenly has the motivation his life lacked. He will show herahe will show them all. He will prove the premise of his manuscript by enacting it. It will become his plan for bringing terror to the city, and the editor will be the first victim dictated by his manuscriptahis murder manuscript.

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