Hindekker House
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Hindekker House


作者: W·Riddle Land
页数: 284
定价: $ 14.63
ISBN: 9781413757057







A descendent of generations of Pennsylvania coal miners, W. Riddle Land spent his formative years in relative poverty living off public assistance in a housing project. He overcame his impoverished background, attaining a college degree, a successful career and a lovely wife. His life experiences bring situations and characters to his unforgettable stories that will challenge your imagination and sensibilities. In Hindekker House, an aspiring journalist gets his big break. But, contrary to the typical genre of his tabloid employer, he works diligently to dispel a small town's larger than life urban legend. The reader soon realizes that what's going on in the house isn't the only mystery to be solved. What begins as a flirtatious male versus female challenge, with titillating and embarrassing stakes, migrates into a series of mean-spirited and baffling episodes. Incidents that seem like nothing more than depraved acts take on a new perspective when the reader begins to suspect there is a hidden purpose behind the madness. The unfolding mystery surrounding a young woman's harsh, sometimes startling, treatment of a man she barely knows overshadows the inexplicable events that have occurred in the now abandoned Hindekker House. (Adult Content)

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