Sane or Insane?
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Sane or Insane?


作者: Darlene McClure
页数: 212
定价: $ 14.63
ISBN: 9781413728811







Sane or Insane? describes the dramatic tale of abuse that a mental health worker receives in her personal life as well as on the job. April, a mental health worker who works with adolescents with emotional, mental, and behavioral problems, shares her tale of abuse from her boyfriend Darren that almost ends her life. April fights through the physical abuse as well as the sexual abuse that she endures from her supervisor at work and struggles to hold on to her own sanity as she strives to change the lives of her clients that she cares for. After April decides to leave her abusive boyfriend, she meets a special guy whom she falls in love with. Just as she attempts to turn her life around, Darren shows up and holds her captive. After several days of torture, April is rescued with the help of her new friend but soon discovers that she is pregnant. April is not sure who the father is but decides to go through the pregnancy. During her delivery she has complications. When April awakes, she is the mother of three baby boys whom she names Darren, after her abusive boyfriend; Abraham, after her new lover; and Carl, after her supervisor, but she canat remember doing so. April struggles to stay within the realm of reality as she tries to decide if she is Sane or Insane?

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