The Collected Sermons of Thomas Fuller, D.D. 1631?1659.
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The Collected Sermons of Thomas Fuller, D.D. 1631?1659.


作者: William Edward Axon  |  John Eglington Bailey  |  Thomas Fuller
出版年: 2009-9
页数: 588
定价: $ 53.10
ISBN: 9781113659682







Purchase of this book includes free trial access to where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: aTree thrive that hath been tranfplanted when it was old; the fame may be feen in Elimelech; his aged body brooks not the forraign Aire; though he could avoid the Arrows of Famine in Ifrael, yet he could not fhun the Darts of Death in Moab: he that lived in a place of Penury, muft die in a Land of Plenty. Let none condemne Elimelech's removal as unlawful, becaufe of his fuddain death, for thofe actions are not ungodly which are unfuccefsfull, nor thofe pious which are profperous, feeing the lawfulnefle of an action is not to be gathered from the joyfulnefle of the event, but from the juftnefle of the caufe, for which it is undertaken. Obfervation i: Hence we obferve, that God can eafily fruftrate our faireft hopes and defeat our moft probable projects, in making thofe places moft dangerous which we account moft fafe and fecure, caufing death to meet us there, where we think furtheft to flie from it. Obfervation 2: We fee that no outward plenty can privi- ledge us from death; the fand of our life runneth as faft, though the Hour-glafs be fet in the funfhine of profperity, as in the gloomy fhade of affliction. And jhe was left and her two Sons.'] Here we fee how mercifully God dealt with Naomi, in that he quenched not all the fparks of her comfort at once; but though he took away the flock, he left her the ftems; though he deprived her as it were of the ufe of her own leggs by taking away her Husband, yet he left her a ftaffe in each of her hands, her two Sons to fupport her. Indeed afterwards he took them away, but firft he provided her a gracious Daughter-in-law: whence we learn, God powreth not all his afflictions at once, but ever leaveth a little comfort, otherwife we mould not onely be prefled down, but crufh't to powder under the weight of his heavy hand. And th...

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