Outlines of Metaphysic
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Outlines of Metaphysic


作者: Hermann Lotze
出版年: 2009-4
页数: 184
定价: $ 30.50
ISBN: 9781103937134







OUTLINES T3OSTOX C Isx, I r CO. 1884 LOTZES OUTLIXES O F PHILOSOI HY I METAPHYSIC THE editor and publishers of this volume beg leave to announce that two other numbers of the series of . philosophical G OUTLINES b y LOTZE. viz., the one on the PHILOSOPH O Y F RELIGION a nd the one on MORAL PHILOSOPH, Y m ay be expected within a few months. Should the reception met by these three volumes be sufficiently encouraging. it is hoped to publish the OUTLISES of PSYCHOL OGY, of b G E and of, LOGIC, still later. CE CE Entcrcd accortling to Act of Congress, in the pear 1884, by in the Oflice of the LiLral1d11 of Congress at Ii-asll ngton. b C EDITORS PREFACE. THE name of Rudolph Hermann Lotze, philosopher, has already been made familiar to a large number of readers in this country, and no little interest has been awakened in his opinions upon various philosophical and religious themes. But thus far the number who have attained any trustworthy knowledge as to what those opinions are, has remained exceedingly small. Until very recently all his most important published works have been inaccessible to every one unable to cope with voluminous philosophical German. Within the present year, creditable translations of the two large volumes on Logic and Metaphysic, which constitute all of his System of Philosophy that the author lived to publish, have appeared in England and a translation of his Mikrokosmus three volumes in German is promised soon to appear. These works, however - especially the two former - are not only large but technical and difficult few are likely to attempt their mastery who are not already trained in the reading of German phi losophy. Yet there is scarcely any other recent writer onphilosophical subjects whose thoughts are so stimulating for their breadth, penetration and candor or with whom an acquaintance is so desirable for purposes of general culture through the philosophic way of considering life, with its interests in not merely pure thought, but also in morals, religion, and art. It affords me, therefore, the pleasure that comes from the hope of being useful to a wide circle of persons, to announce that I have arranged to translate and edit several, if not all, of those little books called Outlines which have been given to the public in Germany since the death of their lamented author. These Outlines cover the entire ground of Lotzes mature teaching in the University upon the subjects of Logic, Metaphysic, Philosophy of Nature, Psychology, Esthetics, Moral Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, and History of German Philosophy since Kant. A word of explanation as to the origin of these books will suffice to assure the reader that he is to be put into communication with the thoughts of this philosopher in a way which he can trust both as to substance and form of expression. The German from which the translatioils are to be made consists of the dictated portions of his latest lectures at Gottingen, EDITORS PREFACE. vii - and for a few months at Berlin as formulated by Lotze himself, recorded in the notes of his hearers, and subjected to the most competent and thorough revision of Professor Rehnisch of Gottingen. The Outlines give, therefore, a mature and trustworthy statement, in language selected by this teacher of philosophy himself, of what Inay be considered as his final opinions upon a wide range of subjects. They have met with no little favor in Germany. 1have used such competence and diligence as I could command in translating this first one of the Lotze series which it is proposed to publish. As far as seemed consistent with a desirable accuracy, technical language has been avoided, and the work presented with an English expression...

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