Domestic Art in Woman's Education
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Domestic Art in Woman's Education


作者: Anna Maria Cooley
出版年: 2009-3
页数: 300
定价: $ 35.02
ISBN: 9781103568178







CONTENTS PART I. SOME PROBLEMS CONFRONTING THOSE INTERESTED IN TEACHING DOMESTIC ART CHAPTER CHAPT I E . R THE F IELD OF DOMESTIAC RT . . . . . . P AG 3 E IV. PROBLEMCSO NNECTE W D IT H THE PRESENTATION OF DOMESTIC-ARSTU BJECTS . . . . . 34 VI. THEE CONOMIC O S F DOMESTICA RT . . . . 87 VII. How TO KEEP I N TOUC W H IT H PROGRES I S N THE DOMESTIC-ARFTIE LD . . . . 100 PART 11. DOMESTIC ART IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL VIII. DIVISION O F SUBJECT-MATTE FO R R THE ELE MENTARY SCHOOL . . . . . . . . . 108 i X CONTENTS xi PART IV. DOMESTIC ART IN HIGHER EDUCATION CHAPTER PAGE XII. DOMESTIACR T A S A PART O F COLLEG T E R AINING FOR WOMEN . . . . . . . . . . . 246 XIII. DOMESTIACR T I N OTHERH IGHER I NSTITUTIONS OF LEARNING. . . . . . . . . . . 261 DOMESTIC ART IN WOMANS EDUCATION PART I SORIE PROBLEMS CONFRONTING THOSE INTERESTED IN TEACHING DOMESTIC ART CHAPTER I THE FIELD OF DOMESTIC ART THE term domestic art as applied to part of womans education has been in use for about twenty onfuaion of years. During the past five or six years terminology. a confusion of terminology has arisen, and throughout the West the term domestic science is used to designate all the arts centring about the home. In another section of our country, especially the Middle West, household arts is used synonymously with domestic science, so that naturally one often hears the questions, What is domestic art What is domestic science or domestic economy 3

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