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作者: Alfred Noyes
出版年: 2009-1
页数: 332
定价: $ 37.28
ISBN: 9781103123087







PRESS OPINIONS. Times. Mr Noyess new volume proves that his fund of music is wellnigh inexhaustible. Mr W. L. Courtney in the Daily Telegraph.Some of his single poems stand out, alike for strength and grace, as the most conspicuous achievements of our age. Bookman. Of Mr Noyess new book it is impossible to speak in terms that will not appear to those unacquainted with his previous work as extravagant and uncritical eulogy. But those who have read and re-read The Loom of Years and The Flower of Old Japan, and who have followed the gleam of Mr Noyess fancy through the pages of sundry periodicals, will not be surprised to be told that the poet has fulfilled everything that a remarkably cordial and unanimous criticism predicted of him. What has really astonished us is the remarkable quantity of the verse. After a long acquaintance with slim books of thick paper with wide it margins, is a refreshing novelty to find a poet boldly launching an imposing quarto. Few young poets are so honoured by their own publishers, but in this case we cannot doubt that the confidence is well deserved. Considerable as the volume is in size, there is no padding in it, every line bearing the mark of loving and delicate workmanship. Daily Chronicle. Here, beyond question, is the work of a genuine poet. The Speaker. The publication of a new volume of poems by Mr Alfred Noyes is an event of very considerable interest. Mr Noyes has already in The Loom of Years and The Flower of Old given proof of his possession of a very rare poetic faculty. The Japan first was a small collection of pieces of singular eloquence, musical charm, and technical skill the second was a sustained dream fancy, splendidly coloured, andalmost dazzling in the brilliancy of its light. The present volume will make broader and stronger the impression caused by the other two. It contains some very noble pieces of genuine poetry, and shows once more that we have in Mr Noyes a singer dowered with a fine imagination and admirably equipped for expressing in poetry the thoughts that troop through his mind. THE FOREST OF WILD THYME. BY ALFRED NOYES. 53. net. PRESS OPINIONS. Mr R. C. Lehmann in The Bookman. It is with an eager zest, the outcome of his previous experience, that a reader who loves poetry turns to a new volume by Mr Alfred Noyes. Mr Noyes is still a very young man, but it is not too much to say that by his three volumes, The Loom of Years, The Flower of Old Japan, and Poems, not to speak of his incidental work in Blackwoods Magazine and else- where, he has already established his right to a foremost place amongst the few towhom we can look, not so much to re-establish the necessity for that has not yet arisen as to revivify the great traditions of English poetry. The Athenaeum. No praise would be too high for the technique of the book Whether it be regarded as a fairy-tale or as poetry pure and simple, all children under ninety owe its author a debt of gratitude. FORTY SINGING SEAMEN AND OTHER POEMS. BY ALFRED NOYES. 53. net. The Athenaeum. The volume will emphasise further its authors rare lyrical gift. DRAKE AN ENGLISH EPIC BOOKS I.-XII. DRAKE AN ENGLISH EPIC BY I.-XII. ALFRED NOYES WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS EDINBURGH AND LONDON MCMVIII All Rights reserved PF TO RUDOLPH CHAMBERS LEHMANN. DRAKE. EXORDIUM. WHEN on the highest ridge of that strange land, Under the cloudless blinding tropic blue, Drake and his bandof swarthy seamen stood With dazed eyes gazing round them, emerald fans Of palm Of gorgeous red anana bloom obscured that fell like fountains over cliffs Their sight on every side. Illustrious gleams Of rose and green and gold streamed from the plumes A

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