As Poetic as Life
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As Poetic as Life


作者: Jolene Johnson
页数: 82
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9781413795479







This is a book of poems I have written to express the feelings Iave had in my life. My friends, loves and parents are who inspired me to write. I have always had a hard time telling people how I feel. Through my writing I can do that. My life is the words I write. In these past years, I have grown in my life. I now know how to let go. Poetry is my way of letting go. My feelings are shown in the words I write. I have been through some struggles in my life. Through my poetry, I have been able to work through my problems. The poems have been written throughout my life. Whether it was a good time with friends or my motheras birthday, I had to write down how it felt. Through these poems I have been myself. I am able to understand what I feel and express it. I received the notebook that I keep all my poems in from my niece. She gave it to me for Christmas in 1995 because I was writing on paper and not in a book. I had pieces of paper in a folder up until then. Little did I know I would be writing from that day on. Some people have no idea that what they say has an effect on others. I hope these have a good effect for someone. Each poem has a different memory. For example, the poem aFriends Forevera was written when I found out who my true friends were. The poem aThe Love of a Mothera was written for my mom on Motheras Day. These are memories of my life that will always be with me. Having these poems lets me know I will always remember my life. Feelings are something that should be shown. These poems are my feelings.

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