Whats Art Without the Suicide of Words
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Whats Art Without the Suicide of Words


作者: Derren Walker
页数: 78
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9781413795059







Sometimes in life the way that a person feels in reality can better be expressed through the creation of art form that comes from within one's soul. shatterd yet broken, full of love yet full of hate, in facing every day it feels so much easier yet less complicated to hide then to let the fears within the pain to show. waking with the feeling of pain, yet waking up with the fear of feeling happiness. each person faces the way to feel. the poetry that this book contains are the words written within my diary of things that i hide, but most of all from one's self. the poems that i have written may relate to each person in a different way. that's the honor that art speak the words that stay yet unspoken. i find when reading that someone else may be going through an issue similar to the one that i am enduring that i don't feel so much alone. words choose to speak through your heart, even when you create. fame comes from not being an icon nor a legend, instead coming from we as people speaking as one voice through the expression of art. respect history, in return history will respect you. if it had not been for the great artists that had come before us then we would not have the honor to show our poetic expression within the soul of art. i myself am guilty of at times forgetting that. without breath you can not breathe, without life you can not live, without the honor of art you could not escape the horror that life can show you at times. this is what i have covered through the art that i have created within this book. dream of being the best, but respect the ones from history that gave each one of us this chance to freely create.

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