The Pitfall Crew
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The Pitfall Crew


作者: Bennie Rathbone
页数: 200
定价: $ 14.63
ISBN: 9781413783612







The set was going in and out of focus, and he had his mind on something elsea].Now he was the one off in a trance, watching the fuzzy images on the television set. His thoughts changed quickly. The song echoed inside his head and grew quiet. Then the magazine smacked him in the chest; he blinked and looked down at it. Andy, smiling, had tossed it at him. aYou canat be wasted already. Whatas up?a For Henry, life in a small Midwestern town had a lot of nothing to offer: plenty of boredom and free time, a steady job at a small business going nowhere and a low crime rate. He got out his frustration by writing issues of his azine, Small Scale War, and sticking copies under the windshield wipers of cars at the mall. His brother, Simon, and friend, Andy, were always around with plenty of alcohol to pass the time. But one day he receives a rude awakening about the horrible things going on behind closed doors and nothing is quite the same for him anymore. When a big business moves in and threatens to put him out of work, he takes the step into activism. Knife in hand, he decides itas time to stop writing about things and start working to change them for good.

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