Journey to the Magical Places of the Heart
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Journey to the Magical Places of the Heart


作者: Hope Fields
页数: 218
定价: $ 14.63
ISBN: 9781413766899







The effects of domestic violence are similar to walking through a raging storm. For the victim of domestic violence, the storm rages within them as they go about their daily lives; few are aware of thestorm they are facing. The abuser is able to transform themselves to adjust to their surroundings. Many times the victim is perceived as paranoid or emotionally out of control. Yet, the abuser is seen as very pleasant, friendly, and cool-headed. Victims of domestic violence endure raging storms in the forest of emotions. The storms are those of guilt, shame, fear, and isolation, just to name a few. The agencies that stand ready to help them get to safety and healing are those in the meadow of hope. The magical transformation takes place when a victim of domestic violence begins to grow, finding a safe place to share their secrets that they hear as whispers in their soul. Once they are free to share, they can be free to heal. They will find themselves transforming into the phoenix as they leave behind their past in a pile of ashes and rise again to begin a new life.

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