Green Alligator Shoes
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Green Alligator Shoes


作者: Marie Cammarata
页数: 66
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9781413723304







Green Alligator Shoes was written with a great deal of love and fondness. The short stories give you a glimpse of life in the 1940as and 1950as after World War II. They happened in the Boston area to a child who was a descendent of Italian immigrant grandparents. The family still hung on to the old ways of saving money by growing their own food and farm animals. Summers were spent in the familyas backyard garden, weeding and watering. The family preserved all that was grown in the summer and ate it in the winter. Chickens were fattened up all summer and became frozen overnight in the fall. Grapes on the vines were pressed into wine and barreled. Aunts and uncles all participated in the festivities. The grandparents ideas and customs, having lived through the depression, contrasted with the younger generation. The grandchildren did not have any idea of what hunger was and thought Grandma and Grandpa were old-fashioned. Why grow food when you could buy it in the supermarket? Wasnat it a lot easier to get your chicken wrapped up in plastic at the super-market?

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