Endurance Bunny and the Small Shrivelled Organ - St Davids to Lowestoft Cycle Ride
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Endurance Bunny and the Small Shrivelled Organ - St Davids to Lowestoft Cycle Ride


作者: Chris Gooderham
出版年: 2009-1
页数: 232
定价: $ 23.67
ISBN: 9781409217565







Sequel. Moore returns from his epic cycle journey craving more. Endurance Bunny is a comedy true story of one man's continual drive to survive as he heads into surgery and then undertakes to cycle from St David's Head to Lowestoft. Moore finds a new cycling partner; Endurance Bunny-a completely different beast entirely. A man who is physically fit, primed to perfection, who runs a marathon before breakfast and chops down trees with his bare hands. But Moore doesn't cope well with being the unfit one, especially when forced to watch his superhuman colleague make everything look easy. Flipping between the diary of their cycle journey and his impending surgical doom, Endurance Bunny follows the exploits of a man whose body is getting older, fatter and slowly disintegrating. Moore moans about his operation, his rising blood pressure, his knackered knees and increasing weight, but this time there is nothing he can do about it-or is there? Includes daily maps, road, traffic conditions and contour.

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