CherryPy Essentials
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CherryPy Essentials


作者: Sylvain Hellegouarch
出版社: Packt Publishing
副标题: Rapid Python Web Application Development
出版年: 2007-03-31
页数: 272
定价: USD 39.99
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9781904811848







This book covers the CherryPy library for Python web development from its history and installation through its main features and core concepts to its integration with Python and other products to construct, test, and deploy a sample photoblog application. The author Sylvain Hellegouarch is dedicated to the development of free software projects and has been coordinating and administrating the community efforts around the CherryPy project since 2004. The approach based on an example application introduces many other common Python libraries, providing transferable skills also relevant for non-web Python projects. CherryPy is a Python library for web development that allows developers to build web applications in the same way as any other object-oriented Python program. Enriched by several years of active development, it has become one of the most established toolkits for building solid and high-performance web applications in Python. CherryPy abstracts the complex low-level HTTP protocol into an easy-to-use interface that respects Python idioms. The library aims at being simple to learn for a beginner while offering the most advanced features to fluent Python developers. For these reasons CherryPy was chosen to be at the heart of the popular and feature-rich TurboGears web framework. CherryPy-powered web applications are stand-alone Python applications with their own embedded multi-threaded web server, but can also run behind Apache or IIS for scalability. . CherryPy installation using tarball, egg, and subversion . The CherryPy library in depth: its design and how to use it . Using CherryPy with common Python and non-Python products . Object Relational Mapping with SQLObject, SQLAlchemy, and Dejavu . Web Services via REST and the Atom Publishing Protocol . AJAX and client-side scripting via MochiKit . Unit, functional, and load testing . CherryPy, Apache, and lighttpd deployment solurions The book starts with two chapters dedicated to CherryPy itself, its history and installation. Then it moves through a gentle introduction to the main features and concepts of CherryPy to a thorough review of its core capabilities. After laying this foundation the book dives into a real-world example, detailing important steps in the creation of a photoblog application. These chapters cover database manipulation via Object Relational Mapping (ORM), using web services to enhance the application, and client-side scripting through AJAX. Finally, the book covers the need for unit, functional, and performance testing before closing with deployment solutions for a CherryPy-based application. Who this book is written for This book is principally geared towards Python web developers, who are looking to add the power of the CherryPy library to their existing Python skillset. It assumes a good working knowledge of Python . Although the CherryPy toolkit is at the core of the book, many other common libraries are introduced. TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY 1.Introduction to CherryPy 2.Download and Install CherryPy 3.Overview of CherryPy 4.CherryPy in depth 5.A photoblog application 6.Web Services 7.The presentation layer 8.Ajax 9.Testing 10.Deployment


Preface 1

Chapter 1: Introduction to CherryPy 7

Overview 7

History of CherryPy 8

The Community 9

CherryPy Project Strengths 10

Beyond CherryPy 11

Through the Book 11

Summary 12

Chapter 2: Download and Install CherryPy 13

Requirements 13

Overview 14

Installation from a Tarball 16

Installation through Easy Install 18

Installation from Subversion 20

Testing your Installation 23

Keeping CherryPy Up to Date 23

Summary 24

Chapter 3: Overview of CherryPy 25

Vocabulary 25

Basic Example 26

Built-In HTTP Server 32

Internal Engine 32

Configuration 33

Object Publisher Engine 36

Library 38

The Autoreload Feature 39

The Caching Module 39

Table of Contents

[ ii ]

The Coverage Module 39

The Encoding/Decoding Module 40

The HTTP Module 40

The Httpauth Module 40

The Profiler Module 40

The Sessions Module 41

The Static Module 42

The Tidy Module 42

The Wsgiapp Module 42

The XML-RPC Module 42

Tools 43

Error and Exception Handling 44

Summary 49

Chapter 4: CherryPy in Depth 51

HTTP Compliance 51

Multiple HTTP Servers 52

Multi-Threaded Application Server 54

URI Dispatching 55

HTTP Method Dispatcher 55

Routes Dispatcher 57

Virtual Host Dispatcher 58

Hook into CherryPy's Core Engine 59

CherryPy Toolbox 61

Basic Authentication Tool 62

Caching Tool 63

Decoding Tool 64

Digest Authentication Tool 65

Encode Tool 66

Error Redirect Tool 67

Etag Tool 67

Gzip Tool 69

Ignore Headers Tool 69

Log Headers Tool 70

Log Tracebacks Tool 71

Proxy Tool 72

Referer Tool 73

Response Headers Tool 74

Trailing Slash Tool 75

XML-RPC Tool 76

Toolbox 77

Creating a Tool 77

Table of Contents

[ iii ]

Static Resource Serving 81

Using the Staticfile Tool to Serve a Single File 81

Using the Staticdir Tool to Serve a Complete Directory 83

Bypassing Static Tools to Serve Static Content 85

WSGI Support 86

Hosting a WSGI Application within the CherryPy WSGI Server 87

Hosting a CherryPy WSGI Application within a

Third-Party WSGI Server 89

Summary 90

Chapter 5: A Photoblog Application 91

A Photoblog Application 91

Photoblog Entities 92

Vocabulary 94

DBMSes Overview 95

Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) 95

Object-Oriented Database Management System (OODBMS) 96

XML Database Management System (XMLDBMS) 97

Object-Relational Mapping 97

Python Object-Relational Mappers 98

Photoblog Application Entity Modeling 108

Mapping Entities 109

Units and UnitProperties 111

Associating Units 112

The Sandbox Interface 112

Querying Units 113

Extending the Data Access Layer 114

Summary 117

Chapter 6: Web Services 119

Traditional Web Development 119

Separation of Concerns 121

REST 122

Uniform Resource Identifier 123

HTTP Methods 124

Putting it Together 128

REST Interface through CherryPy 130

Atom Publishing Protocol 131

Atom XML-Document Format 132

APP Implementation 134

Summary 136

Table of Contents

[ iv ]

Chapter 7: The Presentation Layer 137

HTML 137

XML 138


CSS 139


Templating 142

Kid—The Templating Engine 142

Overview 142

Kid's Attributes 144

XML-Based Templating Language 144

Variable Substitution 144

Conditional Statement 144

Looping Mechanism 145

Extensibility 146

Other Attributes 147

Photoblog Design Preparation 147

Targetting the User Agent 147

Tools 148

Global Design Goals 148

Design Directory Layout 149

CherryPy—Encapsulating the Template Rendering Process 149

Photoblog Design in Detail 151

Basic Structure 151

Mochikit 156

Developing the Photoblog Design 157

HTML Code 157

Adding a Link 158

Handling the End-User Actions 158

Amending the Template 159

Amending the CSS 159

Let's be More Flexible... 160

Summary 161

Chapter 8: Ajax 163

Rise of the Rich-Client Applications 163

Ajax 164

Ajax—Advantages and Drawbacks 165

Behind the Scene: XMLHttpRequest 166

Performing a GET Request 167

Performing a Content-Negotiated GET Request 168

Performing a POST Request 169

Performing PUT, HEAD, or DELETE Requests 170

Table of Contents

Cookies 170

Authentication using Digest or Basic Schemes 170

JSON 176

Applying Ajax to our Application 178

Defining the Required Namespaces 178

Implementing Namespaces 179

Adding Methods to the Classes 179

Method to Create a New Album 183

Method to Update an Existing Album 190

Method to Delete an Existing Album 190

Summary 191

Chapter 9: Testing 193

Why Testing 193

Planning a Test 194

Common Testing Approach 195

Unit Testing 195

unittest 196

doctest 201

Unit Testing Web Applications 205

Performance and Load Testing 213

Functional Testing 218

Application under Test 219

Selenium Core 222

Selenium IDE 227

Selenium Remote Control 231

Summary 233

Chapter 10: Deployment 235

Configuration 235

CherryPy—Web and Engine Configuration System 235

Photoblog Application Configuration System 238

Deployment 240

Apache with mod_rewrite Module 241

Lighttpd with mod_proxy Module 243

Apache with mod_python Module 244

mod_python with WSGI Application 246

SSL 246

Creating a Certificate and a Private Key 247

Using the CherryPy SSL Support 248

Using the lighttpd SSL Support 250

Using the Apache mod_ssl Support 251

Summary 251

Index 253

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