Europe as I See it
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Europe as I See it


作者: Romano Prodi
译者: Allan Cameron
出版年: 2000-12
页数: 136
定价: 578.00元
ISBN: 9780745624969







What does "Europe" mean as we enter the 21st century? A rapidly--expanding club of nation states? A large single market in which labour, goods and services can move freely? A centralizing superstate run by unelected bureaucrats? An economic giant but a political pygmy on the world stage? Romano Prodi, President of the European Commission, tackles these and other questions in this important new book. It offers both a political vision and a personal statement by one of the most important political figures in Europe today. Central to Prodia s vision of Europe -- what it can and should be -- are the ideals of the European Uniona s founding fathers: Adenauer, De Gasperi, Monnet, Schuman. Their goal was a peaceful democratic Europe in which all the peoples of our continent could live together in security, freedom, justice and equality. The path towards that goal, argues Prodi, is inextricably bound up with economics. As the EUa s Member States voluntarily pool their national sovereignty, especially monetary sovereignty, that dream -- that vision of Europe -- is gradually coming true. This book will be of great interest to anyone concerned with Europe and its future.

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