Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences
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Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences


作者: Michail D·Todorov  |  Christo I·Christov
出版年: 2010-12
页数: 716
定价: $ 422.62
ISBN: 9780735408562







The main goal of this series of conferences is to bring together experts and prominent scientists to foster the exchange of views and experience, as well as to discuss the modern trends in application of mathematics in various fields of engineering, physics, chemistry, economics, biology, etc. The scientific program of the 2nd edition of the conference included 90 presentations. A number of world renowned specialists delivered plenary and keynote lectures. In addition to the regular sessions of invited and submitted talks, one minisymposium, two special and one poster session provided diversity to the AMiTaNS'10 program. In addition, the various social activities during the event helped create new personal contacts and laid the foundations of future collaborations. During the reviewing process, fruitful exchange ensued between the contributors, editors, and anonymous reviewers, which helped the authors to improve essentially their contributions. The result of this interaction is the presented here volume of circa 700 pages. The editors hope that publishing these proceedings will serve to promote the application of mathematics in various fields. A wide spectrum of professionals will find something interesting in the rich collection of papers of 2nd Conference on Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences (AMiTaNS'10).

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