Modern Palestinian Literature and Culture
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Modern Palestinian Literature and Culture


作者: Ami Elad-Bouskila
出版年: 1999-9
页数: 176
定价: $ 207.92
ISBN: 9780714649566







Studies of Palestinian society, economy, and politics are appearing with increasing frequency, but works in English about Palestinian literature, particularly that written in Israel, are still scarce. This book looks at this literature within the political and social context of Palestinian society, with a special focus on literature written during the Intifada "uprising" period (1987-93). There are three "branches" of the Palestinian people: Palestinian citizens of Israel, Palestinians who live in the territories occupied by Israel in 1967, and Palestinians in the diasporas of the Middle East and beyond. The Intifada was significant in accelerating the process of shared interests among these three branches, yet, while Palestinian perception of their common national goals grew stronger, the differences emerged more clearly. This book surveys the literature emanating from these branches and reflects upon the distinctive features of each. Several issues are subject to closer scrutiny. One is the theme of a traditional society in transformation, with a literary response that is often anxious and sceptical. Another is the literary quest of Palestinians to define their identity, made more complex for those who live in Israel, with their relations with the surrounding Hebrew culture. Another intriguing issue is the image of the Jew in Palestinian literature, particularly since the start of the Intifada. And finally, special attention i given to the centrality of Jerusalem as a religious and political symbol, concluding with rather surprising findings about the role of Jerusalem - a crucial component in the merging peace process - in contemporary Palestinian literature.

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