Developmental Psychology and You
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Developmental Psychology and You


作者: Julia C·Berryman  |  Pamela K·Symthe  |  Alexandra Lamont
出版年: 2002-12
页数: 360
ISBN: 9780631233893







What makes you the person you are today? How does a baby perceive the world? Is the person without love damaged forever? What can psychology tell us about the differences between the sexes? Discipline? Delinquency? Adolescent fads and fashions? Marriage and parenting? Ageing and later life? Developmental Psychology and You is a lively and accessible introduction to the psychology of human development. The authors, who all have extensive experience in teaching and research, have selected topics that will appeal to new students of this subject and have presented them in a way that demonstrates their relevance to everyday life. The fully revised second edition includes a new chapter on gender development and gender differences, while the material on adult life and growing older has been expanded. New material has also been added on: Developmental stages Cultural variations Early social interactions The measurement of intelligence Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development. As in the previous edition, the style and design of the text are accessible and user-friendly; key concepts are highlighted throughout, and each chapter contains objectives, exercises, self-assessment questions and recommendations for further reading. A glossary at the end defines all the technical terms.

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