Time Management for System Administrators
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Time Management for System Administrators


作者: Thomas A·Limoncelli
出版社: O'Reilly Media
副标题: Management for System Administrators
出版年: 2005-12-2
页数: 228
定价: USD 24.95
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9780596007836







Time is a precious commodity, especially if you're a system administrator. No other job pulls people in so many directions at once. Users interrupt you constantly with requests, preventing you from getting anything done. Your managers want you to get long-term projects done but flood you with requests for quick-fixes that prevent you from ever getting to those long-term projects. But the pressure is on you to produce and it only increases with time. What do you do? The answer is time management. And not just any time management theory--you want Time Management for System Administrators, to be exact. With keen insights into the challenges you face as a sys admin, bestselling author Thomas Limoncelli has put together a collection of tips and techniques that will help you cultivate the time management skills you need to flourish as a system administrator. Time Management for System Administrators understands that an Sys Admin often has competing goals: the concurrent responsibilities of working on large projects and taking care of a user's needs. That's why it focuses on strategies that help you work through daily tasks, yet still allow you to handle critical situations that inevitably arise. Among other skills, you'll learn how to: * Manage interruptions * Eliminate timewasters * Keep an effective calendar * Develop routines for things that occur regularly * Use your brain only for what you're currently working on * Prioritize based on customer expectations * Document and automate processes for faster execution What's more, the book doesn't confine itself to just the work environment, either. It also offers tips on how to apply these time management tools to your social life. It's the first step to a more productive, happier you.


作者Thomas A.Limoncelli有15年以上的系统管理经验。从2003年开始在大型会议教授时间管理的议题。Tom在大小型公司都工作过,其中包括贝尔实验室和AT&T。他经常受邀到世界各地举办的会议上演讲。Tom之前著作的一本书《The Practice of System Network Administration》被誉为系统管理的标准参考书。

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