Have a Nice Day is Not Thank You, and No Problem is Not You're Welcome
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Have a Nice Day is Not Thank You, and No Problem is Not You're Welcome


作者: Debbie Lundberg
出版年: 2008-3
页数: 88
定价: $ 16.89
ISBN: 9780615169170







Easy and insightful tips for life's everyday etiquette, communication, behaviors and relationships. It is interesting, and even sad, to see how society has minimized the close of an interaction or transaction to "Have a Nice Day" and/or "No Problem". Even though some see these forms of appreciation, and hearing these things is better than nothing, there is more to interacting than thoughtless, meaningless direction or responses such as these. Considerations such as those, along with approaches to everything from voicemails to emails, gift giving to coaching, and more, are highlighted in this 2007 book that are based on training sessions conducted, and the monthly newspaper columns, the author has written in 2006 and 2007. The quick 17 tips for immediate use is perfect for a college student, active parent, young professional or seasoned leader, as it is what some reviewers refer to as common sensical and well stated for any and all who get the chance to gobble up these ideas and implement them!

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