A Well Behaved Woman's Life
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A Well Behaved Woman's Life


作者: Susan McGeown
出版年: 2007-9
页数: 232
定价: $ 16.39
ISBN: 9780615146072







What do you do when you discover that your entire adult life has been a lie? What do you do when you realize everything you believed in and trusted in was nothing but an illusion painted with deceit and framed in your own stupidity? At fifty-two, the only fact that she is certain of is that her life is just about over. Standing, looking at herself in the mirror, the ravages of time and The Truth have turned her into a bitter, lonely, hateful, spiteful old woman. The peaceful, proper, well-behaved existence that has defined her entire life has gotten her absolutely nothing except an ocean of tears and a lifetime filled with regrets. However, whether she likes it or not, Bee must gradually begin to face the fact that perhaps God has not quite finished with her . yet. A Well Behaved Woman's Life is a story that reminds us that even in our darkest times, God has anticipated our needs, reassuring us that anything is possible and it is never too late - even for love, dreams, laughter and happiness.

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