An Ordinary Hero
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An Ordinary Hero


作者: Debra Feldman
出版年: 2003-8
页数: 280
定价: $ 32.71
ISBN: 9780595749041







Who becomes a hero? Where does their story really start--the beginning or the end? Is the past unchangeable? Has the future already happened? Is Time a constant or, like Albert Einstein said, all relative, with past, present and future coexisting? In the midst of the Vietnam war, five unlikely friends join forces to answer those questions and unmask a traitor--the Brasshole responsible for orchestrating two suicide missions, hundreds dead. A legend joined to a story, meant to guide the friends, was sent from the past into the future and back again, but remained an unsolved puzzle for generations. Only by working together, utilizing bits of information they each possess, can the friends decipher the ancient tale and discover that their friendship was not random, nor have they each simply been lucky in war. Time has manipulated their lives, aided and protected them, marking one for travel to the past, so that, that which is meant to be can be preserved. Time's goal? For them to arrive at a future they are promised has already happened. What bits of the past will ultimately remain and what will have been the cost of preserving it? Only a hero knows.

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