The Motivational Approach to Natural Weight Loss
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The Motivational Approach to Natural Weight Loss


作者: Shana Schenker
出版年: 2008-3
页数: 168
定价: $ 29.32
ISBN: 9780595712427







Throw out your diet books. Forget deprivation, starvation, failure, and aggravation. Instead, settle in with this compact guide, which clearly explains how to combine the powers of your mind, body, and spirit for natural weight loss. The result will be a remarkably healthier you. The knowledge and insight in these pages will motivate you to transform your life and help you lose weight permanently. Beginning with your mind, Dr. Schenker describes how you have the power to improve all aspects of your health. Moving on to your body, she shares tips for relaxation, exercise, and three different diet and lifestyle programs. Concluding with your spirit, she asserts there are no limitations, except those you acknowledge. Achieving a mindset of unlimited potential is based on faith, no matter what your religious practices may be. Dr. Schenker shares hundreds of tips in this extremely inspiring and motivating book. Your self-confidence will soar as you shed both the weight of doubt and the weight of extra pounds. Combining the powers of your mind, your body, and your spirit will usher a new level of wellness into your life, one that's been insulated by your excess weight.

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