Sons of the Fathers
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Sons of the Fathers


作者: Ronald Eric Dodge
出版年: 2008-2
页数: 296
定价: $ 32.71
ISBN: 9780595710683







Good fortune brings charismatic handyman Bryce Hendricks to a community in central Ontario. He starts a home renovation business, lands a part-time job as the youth activities coordinator at a local church, and begins building relationships with attractive retailer and divorced mother, Kathleen, and her troubled teenage son. But a rough patch lies ahead. Kathleen is haunted by memories of her former husband's abuse, and her son blames her for breaking up his family. Hendricks eventually manages to win both her love and her son's acceptance. However, Hendricks' luck sours when he becomes the only police suspect in a violent assault on Cynthia Osterman, the church's student minister, whose militantly feminist style and sharp tongue has disturbed the parishioners. Hendricks is powerless to stop the gossip about him and soon discovers that Roland McQueen, the wealthy and manipulative chair of the church board, is determined to oust him whether he is guilty or not. As Hendricks struggles to restore his shattered reputation, his friends and even a detractor rally behind him. Will their support enable him to win over an entire community?

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