Petals on the Path
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Petals on the Path


作者: Fred Jenning Rogers
出版年: 2006-11
页数: 152
定价: $ 28.19
ISBN: 9780595678112







If you've ever wondered exactly how to help achieve world peace, "Petals on the Path: Third Millennium World Teachings" can show you the way. "Petals on the Path" is the perfect handbook for anyone who wants to improve on the alchemical process of turning thought into action. In "Petals on the Path," author Fred Jenning Rogers takes you on a delightful journey through meditations issued by a light being from another dimension. In addition to these easy-to-follow messages, a suggestive process that assists the seeker to find entrance into higher kingdoms of being is included. Many spiritual and philosophical ideologies are interwoven in the simplistic messages that make up Fred's study. He clearly points out that we are the creators of our own destiny. The reoccurring message is that we are creating our reality each moment of every day. To effect changes that are conducive to our continued survival and evolution, we must create causes that support humanity as a whole. "Petals on the Path" is a welcome breath of fresh air in a world that has been delaying its potential for many years. By gaining understanding about the path of light, you'll be able to take your position of responsibility in the achievement of world peace.

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