Marco's Mission
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Marco's Mission


作者: Glenn Riley (Tex)
出版年: 2003-7
页数: 260
定价: $ 30.45
ISBN: 9780595657636







Marco just wanted to complete his task and return home. But other people were getting in the way. Kai, the sweet young virgin, was being used in a misguided ploy to unite two groups of people. Kai wanted nothing to do with the pip-squeak chosen for her to marry, so she ran away. She just wanted to have some fun and never go home again. Paco was a soldier and a proficient killer, but his whole emotional inner being was torn apart. Sarah was a strong and beautiful lieutenant, but none of that would help her now. These were a few of the descendants of a technologically superior people who had over used the land and destroyed their civilization. An odd assortment of misfits finding themselves looking for something they didn't have, or running from what they did. Duke wanted to preserve a land where there were trees, rainfall, and animals sufficient to sustain life, before the communities in the desert destroyed it. The desert was Duke's domain. But could he pull this odd assortment of people along with him? Could he help save the Kaibab?

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