Sorry, You Can't Enter Heaven
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Sorry, You Can't Enter Heaven


作者: Randi Altschul  |  Kathleen Shaputis
出版年: 2008-11
页数: 180
定价: $ 15.76
ISBN: 9780595534852







In a world where plastic surgery is growing more popular, becoming almost as routine as gynecologist appointments for some women, what if you found yourself at Heaven's Gate and they wouldn't let you in. You're not you. For vanity's sake, you changed the original packaging and altered your destiny. Successful CEO Lisa Michaels thought a fatal heart attack at 60 her final obstacle. Once she arrived at Heaven, she couldn't pass the scanning process. An annoying tuxedoed young man at the front gate, holding an electronic flashing clipboard, a wireless headset in one ear, stopped everything saying, "You forced your destiny by altering the body you were given." He looked down at the clipboard. "Let's see, nose job, breast enhancement, liposuction, and a face lift to name a few." He looked into her eyes. "I'm sorry, you can't enter Heaven." This lively look at the afterlife takes Lisa through multiple adventures between Heaven and Earth before she can obtain her ultimate goal. "Sorry, You Can't Enter Heaven" is a fresh new take on empowerment and the choices we make in our lives.

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