A Guide Through Breaking Up without Heartbreak
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A Guide Through Breaking Up without Heartbreak


作者: Christopher Walker
出版年: 2008-10
页数: 92
定价: $ 13.50
ISBN: 9780595525805







Christopher Walker has employed Eastern arts tools for years, embracing the impermanence of life and helping people learn to naturally heal themselves from the stress and emotional turmoil experienced at the end of an intimate, personal relationship. Founder of Innerwealth Consulting, Walker has coached thousands of individuals to evolve and grow, using the universal laws of nature. The ancient laws of nature tap the deepest core of an individual's humanity dealing with emotional attachments, heartbreak and complex human dynamics. The laws recognize three levels of human mind: the lower mind, which is guided by material attachments; the middle mind, which is guided by emotions; and the higher mind, which is guided by the experience of the journey and cares nothing of the outcome. The ancient laws provide guidance regarding how to work with all three levels of mind to achieve harmony. Breaking Up: Using the Laws of Nature to Learn How to Let Go applies ancient wisdom to modern times to help one manage the end of a relationship: to let go through the challenge of emotional and physical separation, to move forward in life with love and passion and to maintain respect for everyone involved.

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