The Animals
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The Animals


作者: D·W·Arsement
出版年: 2008-9
页数: 412
定价: $ 25.93
ISBN: 9780595522156







"'This is wrong, horribly wrong.' 'No, this is okay...this feels wonderful '" These are the two opposite voices that speak in Autumn's mind, a dissident-thinking human being in the year 2099, in an orange world where women grow green mustaches, where insects are larger than humans, and where it is as common for one to masturbate publicly as it is to breathe. In this futuristic world of un-ending work and death, of flying hover cars and hypersexuals, Autumn Williams discovers something forgotten, something ancient, that enables these voices to continue arguing: committed love. It is through this confusing feeling, that the Voice of Morality and the voice of his own desires wage war against Autumn's conscience, causing him to question why the world is. In this satiric and absurdist first novel by an author only 19 years old, D.W. gives Autumn Williams a question that leads him talking to his mirrored reflection, a giant, coffee-drinking grasshopper named Charles, across the universe to a planet inhabited by soul-plucking Doctors, and finally, to an answer revealed by the author himself. But, as Autumn Williams discovers, it is not the answer that separates animals from human beings, but the acknowledgment of the question.

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