Collected Poems
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Collected Poems


作者: Marjorie Gunthardt
出版年: 2009-1
页数: 228
定价: $ 32.71
ISBN: 9780595514977







Poet Marjorie Gunthardt has always felt strongly about "something," whether it be the pain of losing a child to the blessing offered at breakfast. She has channeled these feelings into this two-volume book of high-spirited verse, addressing essential subjects that have given her life meaning. Her work has a universal quality that makes something old into something new, something common into something uncommon. Each poem expresses sentiment without being sentimental. The first volume, "Poems for Survivors," casts topics in a serious tone, driven by personal losses during Majorie's early years, including experiences during World War II. In this collection, Marjorie also writes about places she has lived: Cape Cod, New York, Paris, and Zurich, all of which she has called "home." The second volume, "Between Eternities," is characterized more by humor, turns of phrase, and buoyancy. As Marjorie has grown older, her inner voice has grown younger and creatively observant. You'll delight in how Majorie sees reality, aging, family image, and keeping pace with life. Both collections spring from Marjorie's pure, creative joy. You'll read and re-read these collections for their literal and figurative depth, often stopping, smiling, and perhaps exclaiming, "How true "

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