Confessions of a Rogue Teacher
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Confessions of a Rogue Teacher


作者: George L·Colon
出版年: 2008-11
页数: 164
定价: $ 25.93
ISBN: 9780595514830







After a physical altercation with a troubled student, school officials remove jaded veteran English teacher Manny Quesada from his high school classroom. They assign him administrative duties in the "Rubber Room" of lore and legend in the superintendent's office where lost souls known as 'rogue teachers' await judgment. Rather than wait passively to be exonerated for what he considers justifiable defense, Manny undertakes a quest to clear himself. He uncovers startling evidence that educational officials are falsifying statistics - and that the scandal reaches the highest levels of city politics. As the new realities of urban education erode his ideals, Manny wallow in self-pity. He spirals downward on alcohol, drugs, and his favorite student, Maggie, a bright, green-eyed beauty interested-unlike the others-in learning, whose infatuation temps him in his weakened state. But then blackmail and a murder investigation cast serious doubt on his return to the classroom, and Manny must decide if his ministry to problem students can survive his personal turmoil. Reminiscent of such notable works as Blackboard Jungle, Up the Down Stair Case, and To Sir with Love, "Confessions of a Rogue Teacher" paints a sobering portrait of the American classroom and artfully captures the realities of public education today.

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