The Last Viking
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The Last Viking


作者: James William Jones
出版年: 2009-5
页数: 420
定价: $ 37.23
ISBN: 9780595510955







A powerful and agile warrior, Wilhelm takes leave from Denmark with five ships and more than one hundred men in the early spring of 953. A group of fearless Vikings, their mission is to pillage the English coastline and return with their spoils. Wilhelm doesn't know his journey will last more than a thousand years. When Wilhelm nearly dies in a vicious battle, Kristin, a Valkyrie, nurses him back to health. They fall in love, and she takes him to her home of Valhalla, a place where heroes live forever. The ruler Odin discovers the deceit and expels them; they cannot return until they perform a heroic deed that changes history. Forced to live on earth as ordinary humans-but people who do not age-Wilhelm and Kristin have many lifetimes to experience the joys and sorrows of earth. On their epic journey, they participate in events that change Western civilization-from the execution of Joan D'Arc to the apprehension of Jack the Ripper. Throughout a thousand years, Wilhelm and Kristin assimilate into ever-changing time periods and acquire wealth and education. But will their heroic work be enough to lead them back to Valhalla and ever-lasting life?

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