Little Soldier's Don't Cry
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Little Soldier's Don't Cry


作者: Michiel Murray
出版年: 2008-12
页数: 108
定价: $ 23.67
ISBN: 9780595507924







This is the story of one girl's upbringing in Fairfield, Michigan. At home, she and her siblings must deal with a sadistic, alcoholic father, who enjoys torturing animals and playing mind games. He tells her the things he does are not real. Consequently, she grows up unsure of what is real and what isn't; sometimes pinching herself to make sure she even exists. When she graduates high school, she becomes close friends with a boy named Johnny. Knowing that this could be the perfect chance to start her life over, she marries him. When Johnny develops a worsening drinking problem and becomes abusive, she finds herself in an unhappy marriage with three children. To make matters worse her father reenters her life. As all this is going on she's slipping deeper into the throes of a mental disorder. A therapist discovers she suffers from multiple personality disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. She becomes more lost and out of touch with reality. It will be up to her to uncover the secret of her past she's blocked from her memory and to seek help. It's not easy but that's the way it is in a world where Little Soldiers Don't Cry.

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