White Poetry To The Muse
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White Poetry To The Muse


作者: Stephen Trimmer
出版年: 2008-9
页数: 172
定价: $ 18.02
ISBN: 9780595499366







White Poetry To The Muse is a book of Pagan poetry. The book strives to recapture the ancient matriarchal spirit of The Great Goddess found the world over. Many world mythologies have been redacted by scribes with a patriarchal agenda at some time or another. Ergo, this book is meant to transcend these past endeavours of mendacity, and reconstruct the essence of the myths as they once were. The poems seek to reflect the beauty and chivalry once found in all clan-based gynarchies dating back deep into antiquity. Many of the poems reveal the veracious meaning of a given mythology; expounding upon the political and theological shifts of the epoch in question. In this way, the poetry is exposing the original beauty of the matriarchal themes and theologies; thus discounting any patriarchal recompositions of eschatological or political campaigning by misogynistic propaganda. These poems are not a reconstruction of history, but rather an allegorical reconstruction of Her-Story. These chivalric principles can and will change the face of modernity. As we, the children of the earth, grow ever more weary of war, famine and hate-mongering; we shall increasingly seek out the lost wisdom of The Old Code. Byr Lady of Birth, Love and Death...Blessed be.

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