The First Steps to Becoming a Real Estate Agent
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The First Steps to Becoming a Real Estate Agent


作者: Henry D Myers (Hank)
出版年: 2008-2
页数: 48
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9780595489299







Many unsuspecting souls think that realty is an easy, get-rich-quick job that requires few special skills and even less hard work. Before you launch a new career, let this wise, witty, straight-shooting guide deliver the cold, hard facts about what it really takes to get started and to do well in realty. A successful California Realtor for the last twenty years, Hank Myers offers seasoned advice, much-needed perspective, and candid information for new and prospective real estate agents everywhere. Unlike other "how-to" books on realty that gloss over the level of commitment-financial and otherwise-required, "The First Steps to Becoming a Real Estate Agent" is upfront about the stark reality: just how much time and energy it takes; what up-front, on-going, and hidden costs are necessary; and the amount of personal and relationship sacrifice needed to begin and maintain a career in realty. If you remain undaunted by book's end, you can trust that you are making a well-thought-out, informed decision to join the industry and that you are armed with down-to-earth expectations, the proper tools, and the know-how to set yourself up for a balanced, rewarding, and lucrative career in real estate

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