The Forty Letters of Preparation for the End of an Age
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The Forty Letters of Preparation for the End of an Age


作者: Horacio A·Villegas
出版年: 2008-2
页数: 224
定价: $ 20.28
ISBN: 9780595485420







On a cool dark March night, back in 2005, I experienced something that would forever change my life from that moment onward. Having trouble sleeping that night, I tossed and turned attempting to go to sleep, but found myself restless, and frustrated. With each toss, I would glance over at the alarm clock on my night stand, and would notice the ever later minutes ticking by. With my eyes shut, and my senses being able to perceive the nighttime and it's melodic creatures outside, I made futile attempts over and over, to try and finally go to sleep. Around 1: 30 in the morning, with my eyes shut, but still fully aware of my surroundings, I experienced a most profound experience that would from that moment on change my life. Still trying to find that ever elusive sleep, with my eyes shut, I suddenly found myself in the middle of a sudden burst of very strong and terrifying at first, wind. The wind came out of nowhere, and just within what must have been 7-10 seconds was gone, but what lasted less than 10 seconds, is still now affecting my life for the better.

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