Ego-Free Living
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Ego-Free Living


作者: Carol Austin
出版年: 2008-2
页数: 84
定价: $ 12.37
ISBN: 9780595472208







Author Carol Austin notes the nonstop consumer appetite for books and teachings on spirituality and self-help. Austin wonders-with so much information, does the average person ever feel any happier, less stressed or more at peace? Are we ever going to simply learn to get along better with each other? How can we build more authentic and loving relationships with our spouses, partners and co-workers? "Why is it so hard?" As a plain-language writing expert, Austin believes the answer lies in simplifying all this theory to focus on the most essential practices at the heart of spiritual living: dissolving the destructive power of the ego, living more fully in the present moment, and making a positive attitude a knee-jerk reaction to just about everything. Most books on spiritual topics-from new age to the Bible to eastern philosophy-are lengthy, metaphoric, and not always user-friendly. Austin has crafted a simpler approach-a plain-language, bare essentials guide that focuses on the top 4 mental habits central to religious and spiritual philosophies. The 4 habits will help you dissolve the destructive nature of the ego-the primary step needed for becoming a more spiritual person.

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