Moving the White House
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Moving the White House


作者: Charlene Sigler
出版年: 2007-12
页数: 272
定价: $ 20.28
ISBN: 9780595466351







"There are many ways to fight, Jeff, and even though our country is now caught up in petty fights, innuendos, greed and gutless talk and actions, when the times comes, I feel that everyone, with a few exceptions, will take on this new kind of war and defeat it. It is not like anything I have ever experienced. I mean it is a war of words, some action and a lot of bragging done with guns in their hands. There is an old saying that says, 'sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me' or words to that effect, however, it is just now becoming something that is in reverse. Sticks and stones may hurt, but words and deeds will kill me. It is a different world than when I grew up Jeff. Rather scary in fact. People are turning against people. Greed is showing its ugly head. There is less hope and more fear than ever before. It is so different now." With this said Ron Angelton just sat and looked out over the lake, staring off into the outer banks.

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