Sins of the Family
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Sins of the Family


作者: Jerry Cowling
出版年: 2007-10
页数: 220
定价: $ 18.02
ISBN: 9780595465774







John Ross, a mentally ill Cherokee who thinks he's Moses, escapes from his mental hospital in North Carolina to track down and kill Pharaoh to set his people free. But who are his people? Cherokee, who were robbed of their lands by the federal government in the 1800s. Hebrews, who were enslaved in ancient Egypt. Jews, who were murdered by Nazis in the 1940s. Downtrodden people everywhere in modern America. And who is Pharaoh? His own father, who made his childhood a living hell. His psychiatrist, who tried to discover the secrets hidden under his calm exterior. A former Nazi, subject of a deportation hearing for war crimes against union leaders in his own country. A television newsman, who first gained John's trust in an interview but lost it when he reported on the former Nazi's hearing. Just anyone who gets in his way. With two psychopathic brothers as his accomplices, John creates devastation across the Smoky Mountains in his quest to find redemption in his troubled mind for the sins of his family, and all families that plant seeds of turmoil in their children.

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