Kids without Limits
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Kids without Limits


作者: Moriah McCurrach
出版年: 2007-9
页数: 52
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9780595464258







Often as kids we are limited by the things around us. It might be our family situations, financial challenges, what other people say we can or can't do, or any other of a hundred different things that could box in our potential. Just think back to the last time you had a crazy but good idea or a desire to do something. How many people told you that you were talking crazy or that you were a dreamer? My question is: what happened to that idea? What happened to that dream or idea? Did it reach fulfillment in your life, or did you dismiss it because you became convinced that those who doubted you were right? You see, we kids are brilliant Most of us can think outside the box because society hasn't finished building the box around us. We have to approach life with our minds made up that "We can ." Regardless of what we are told, we have to stay focused on our dreams and goals. If we do, we will become the next great painter, novelist, politician, teacher, athlete, astronaut, inventor, policeman, and the list goes on. We have the ability; we just need to realize and remember that we can be kids without limits

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