Diverse Verse
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Diverse Verse


作者: Carroll Abrams
出版年: 2007-10
页数: 136
定价: $ 15.76
ISBN: 9780595463091







The poems in this collection cover a wide range of subjects. Many are timely and profound, and all are easy to understand. Much contemporary poetry is obscure, ethereal, and pseudo-intellectual, and sometimes, just a stream of consciousness. It leaves you wondering, "What are these people trying to say? What does it mean?" This definitely is not the case with these wonderful verses. There are many narrative poems, mostly about subjects that we can relate to. Some interesting titles are, "Respectile Disfunction," "Desperate House Strife," "Tramp on a Ramp," "Food-O-File," and "Porno-Intendo." One of the more popular poems is "Road Rage," which, we have all experienced. You will want to refer to many of these poems often, for the humor, the depth of feeling, and the clever alliteration and cadence, as well as the enduring truth expressed in so many. You may want to commit some of the lines to memory, and repeat them in friendly and intimate conversation. The large type will allow older folks to read them easily. It's rare that such a diverse group of poems has been written to delight and inspire not just lovers of poetry, but many who will be pleasantly surprised, because they didn't think that they would appreciate poetry.

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