Country Girl
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Country Girl


作者: Carrillee Collins Burke
出版年: 2007-7
页数: 204
定价: $ 16.89
ISBN: 9780595458912







"Country Girl" is an eclectic selection from my collection of over one hundred award-winning stories, essays, and poems. Stories range from nostalgia, to humor, to amateur sleuth mysteries. Some have won multi-awards; most have been published in national magazines and local newspapers. Three have even gone beyond simply winning a contest. For instance, the Dana Literary Society nominated "Country Girl" for the prestigious Pushcart Prize. And the essay "A Christmas Miracle," which is a true story based on my personal life, was chosen as an entry in the Cup of Comfort Christmas Book. The poem "Eldorado" was written while visiting Ripley, WV, a small town from which many of us came, and to where a lot of us yearn to return. An officer of the state's poetry society showed my poem to the mayor who then read it into the Minutes of the city meeting. As a result, my poem now resides in the town record. So, in a way, I have returned. Lastly, I hope "Country Girl" makes your heart laugh out loud and, perhaps, drop a tear or two. If nothing else, I pray that this book will help you to remember me with fondness.

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